Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Moved in

 So that took forever. No, it really didn't, and I probably could have pushed the issue and done it a week or so ago, but there was just too much going on for me to do it all at once. But now that I'm moved in and have a little time to unpack and get internet set up, I can get to doing some racing. This weekend will be my first big layout plan. 

I've got a nice big living room to set up in, which is probably somewhere around 18'x10'. That's absolutely serviceable. I'm going to pick up some more track pieces, but not just yet. I think I need a celebratory car first. We'll see. I still need to put laps on that sweet new McLaren I got before moving.

Once I've laid some track I'll take pictures. I'm also going to be working on some more videos, since I can do those with impunity now. Nobody to tell me my stuff's in the way or not important or whatever. 

So there it is. Back on /r/slotcars and back to racing. Finally!