I'm now able to race at night without waking my 2 year old daughter up. Pretty impressive. |
I touched on this before, way back around Post #13 from this blog. I have curves of four different radii now. I'm going to hit the track editor and see what I can make out of them. I don't mind tight curves, but not two of the same radius together, if I can help it.
Here's the other side, for those interested. |
I haven't taken any lap times yet, although I'm about ready to. I still want a little more time on the track, getting used to it being flat and slightly different. Once I get a chance to do that with a few cars I'll give 'em all a go and see what happens.
The Porsche is LOVING the new layout. Any opportunity to add more straights is okay by this guy. |
So far the Matra, Porsche and Alfa are responding best to the changes. The Fords are better in a straight line, and tend to get a little squirrely through the curves. The new infield replaced the front straight, which gave the longer Fords an advantage.
As I'm racing and have now put down the grass, I no longer am thinking about the unfinished state of the track. I'm already pretty happy with it, and I think this will keep my interest for awhile. This winter/spring got kinda messed up due to the wasp situation, and I'm glad that's over. It's too hot to race in the day right now, but not at night. We're also having some cooler days lately, so that's good.